
About Rachel

Introduction - What is it like being a Cosplayer?

My name is Rachel and I'm a 20 year old college student. I've only cosplayed once so far, as Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist, but I'm wanting to turn it into a hobby that I can keep up for a long time. It was so much fun to put together my Envy cosplay, going through the puzzle of how to make certain pieces, especially the hair. I wasted a $50 wig in the process, but I kept on pushing for the right look! Going to my first convention was an eye opener for me. My boyfriend and I were stopped constantly for photos! Before I went to the convention, I was fairly self conscious about sharing my cosplay with people, thinking they would say it was "weird" or "nerdy". But once I was at the convention, I felt awesome. Every photo I stopped to take made me feel more and more proud of what I had created and more confident. Now I'm completely shameless and open about loving cosplay. I've already warned my roomates to look out, because I'm going to be breaking out a sewing machine soon and working on something new.

What are your next goals?

Right now, I have already started working on an Undertaker cosplay from the Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) manga. So far I've made one of the props, the memorial pendants. I have to wait until Halloween to buy a skeleton to make his scythe. The waiting is driving me nuts! I want to start now! I'm also asking for a sewing machine for Christmas so I can sew the cosplay myself. For my Envy cosplay, I just modified already sewn clothing. I want to learn how to sew from scratch so I can make something that's even more my own.

Cosplay Characters

I recently cosplayed Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist, going for a manga-based look. I also made my boyfriend's Edward Elric cosplay, also from Fullmetal Alchemist, including a full automail arm. Now I'm working on an Undertaker cosplay, from the Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) manga. I'm super pumped about building the death scythe prop more than anything!

What does Cosplay mean to you?

To me, cosplay means understanding your favorite characters more deeply and mostly just cutting loose and having fun! I tried really hard to mimic all of Envy's postures and mannerisms, even writing a little from his point of view to attempt to get in character. But really, the best part was going to the convention and having people holler across the room at me, "Hey! Envy!" and getting to wave and smirk back at them. Getting to act out the character is the most fun thing about cosplaying.

Who have been your biggest influences/role models/mentors?

Cosplaywise, I haven't had many influences or roll models. The only person I would say might have influenced me to cosplay is the Deadpool cosplayer D. Piddy. That guy is awesome! I would love to meet him one day. He is so funny and energetic. I wish I could be half the cosplayer he is one day.

Do you have any advice or suggestions for upcoming Cosplayers?

Well, I myself am an upcoming cosplayer, so from one to another, don't be discouraged. Some of your family or friends might not approve of cosplay or might think it's weird, but don't let it get you down. Be creative and make something awesome to put them all to shame! Be proud of your creations! No matter how few compliments you get at home, you will definitely get recognition for your work at a convention, when you're with others that understand what you do.

What is the most negative experience you've dealt with while cosplaying, and how did you handle it?

I had a creepy guy in a grim reaper cosplay, complete with a hand with knives for fingers, come up to me and ask me if he could "take me away into a back alley and chop me up into little pieces." Surely he was joking (I hope), but I just gave him a look and walked away. Stay away from the weirdos!!

Any final remarks or shout-outs?

Cosplay is fun! Do it! Try to make something of your own and be proud of what you do! :D