Ashe Rogue

About Ashe Rogue

Introduction - What is it like being a Cosplayer?

Cosplay is an amazing hobby/job and a great creative outlet. I get to use and develop a variety of skills and talents to try and make a character I love come to life. I'm a total geek at heart. I grew up loving all the classics from TV, games, toys, and fashion. I love Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror genres in TV and movies and of course anime. I'm not one of those that remembers every little movie trivia fact and believes that nerd knowledge is a superpower, like having to know "how many parsecs it took for the Millenium Falcon to make the Kessel Run" ... that one I actually do know, but you get my point. ;) I cosplay, I live life to have fun, even though I don't go anywhere nice or do anything cool. I am forever hungry, am easily amused and get called a loser on a daily basis. I am incapable of taking a serious picture. I am actually a very shy, quiet, awkward and private person. But I use cosplay as a means for pushing past that boundary. I fancy myself an artist, designer, musician, dancer, photographer, professional weirdo, netflixer, gamer.... I could keep going. I'm just a dork trying to make friends sharing my weird and creative side with the world.

What are your next goals?

I keep pushing my sewing and craftsmenship abilities further and further. I try and branch out to using different materials and techniques. I plan to start entering more and more cosplay competitions and continuing to travel further to some of the bigger conventions in the states.

Cosplay Characters

I have been cosplaying since 2006. Some of the characters I have done, not including multiple versions of them are... -Zatanna -Supergirl -Black Canary -Emma Frost -Ms Marvel -Blood Elf Sorceress -Yoko -Rikku -Freya -Poison Ivy -Harley Quinn -Green Arrow -Clockwork Orange Alex -Jig Saw -Riddler -Lady Deadpool -Domino To name a few...

What does Cosplay mean to you?

I would be such an even more shy and introverted person without cosplay. I have met the love of my life and some of the greatest people and friends EVER. It is my lifelong goal to work in costume design and what better way to practice my sewing and creative abilities than by doing something I love, with the people I love.

Who have been your biggest influences/role models/mentors?

Some of the biggest influences of my cosplay life are Yaya Han, Riddle, LeeAnna Vamp and Jessica Nigri. Within the nerd community, I admire Felicia Day, she has inspired me to pursue my nerdy dreams and start my own YouTube channel and vlog. I've got so many ideas for it.... I'm excited to share it with everybody. My mother who on her own is an amazing seamstress. I have learned so much from her.

Do you have any advice or suggestions for upcoming Cosplayers?

Don't be afraid to experiment with your costumes and throw yourself out there! Never be afraid to message your cosplay inspirations. They love to hear that you have inspired them in anyway.

What is the most negative experience you've dealt with while cosplaying, and how did you handle it?

There is a lot of unncessary drama within the cosplay community. You just have to sit back and let things happen really. There is also a lot of cosplay harrassment. Despire what they may think, cosplayers are not there for their personal satisfaction and gropping desires. Cosplay is not consent.

Any final remarks or shout-outs?

Be sure to go check out my fellow cosplay ladies who are part of The Geekettes. Thanks for reading!! <3