
About Pyxl

Introduction - What is it like being a Cosplayer?

I am Pyxl, a Scottish cosplayer based in Spain. I am relatively new to cosplay, I do still have a lot to learn but I'm definitely going to keep cosplaying. I love cosplay because it combines my love for games/anime/films with my love for art and design. I love the costume making process, it's really fun and I feel like I'm really achieving something. Sometimes you will make mistakes, but each mistake teaches you something new that will help you improve in your crafting. It makes me really proud to finish and present a cosplay, and it's really great how so many people are supportive and understand the effort put into making the costume. When I finish a costume and I finally wear it, I feel like I am the character, like I could be the one who fights in the arena. In the time that I have been cosplaying, it has really increased my general self confidence. Cosplay is a chance to be anything you want to be.

What are your next goals?

My next goals are to improve my armour crafting and make more challenging costumes.

Cosplay Characters

So far I have cosplayed Slay Belle Katarina from League of Legends (my first cosplay), Misty from Pokemon (might remake this costume soon), genderbent Ziggs from League of Legends, and my personal favourite of my cosplays so far; Pool Party Leona from League of Legends. I have loads more planned for the near future!

What does Cosplay mean to you?

To me, cosplay means being able to take any character you love or admire and portray them yourself. It's a chance to become a living, breathing version of a character, which is an amazing experience for you and others who love the character. It means having fun and always giving yourself new goals, thinking up new ideas, learning to use new materials, and always being proud of your achievements.

Who have been your biggest influences/role models/mentors?

I am inspired by so many cosplayers, it wouldn't be fair to only name a few. I find any cosplayer who is having fun and trying their best to be a role model. A role model doesn't have to be someone famous, or naturally talented, as long as they love what they do and don't listen to anyone who tries to put them down.

Do you have any advice or suggestions for upcoming Cosplayers?

My advice for upcoming cosplayers would be to keep it up, and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, don't listen. Do what you love!

What is the most negative experience you've dealt with while cosplaying, and how did you handle it?

When I posted my first cosplay, I received some negativity from other cosplays because I didn't use certain materials and missed out a few details. This was because I had no idea about different materials or how to cosplay, I was just having fun! I handled it by not letting it bother me and by looking into different materials so I could work on making my future cosplays more authentic.

Any final remarks or shout-outs?

Thank you very much for the chance to take part in this survey! ^^