"The average American is nothing if not patriotic." - Herbert CrolyTweet
"Patriotism was a living fire of unquestioned belief and purpose." - Frank KnoxTweet
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." - Nathan HaleTweet
"From 1971 onwards, the Memorial Day holiday was officially observed on the last Monday in May and became the unofficial start of the summer, with barbecues, blockbuster movie openings and mattress sales." - Allen WestTweet
"A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle." - George William CurtisTweet
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." - Mark TwainTweet
"I am going to take something I learned over in Israel. Their Independence Day is preceded the 24 hours before with Memorial Day, so it gives them a chance to serve and reflect and then celebrate. I am going to try to start that tradition here in America." - Glenn BeckTweet
"While tributes to Americans who had lost their lives in battle had been held in a number of towns across the nation, one of the more well-known stories about the beginnings of Memorial Day is the story about General John Logan." - John LinderTweet
"There's intense national feeling in America that could be called patriotism." - Michael IgnatieffTweet
"Memorial Day this year is especially important as we are reminded almost daily of the great sacrifices that the men and women of the Armed Services make to defend our way of life." - Robin HayesTweet