"Making movies is a very different experience in a lot of ways. It's difficult when you're used to owning the copyright and having a landlord's possessory rights - I rent my plays to the companies that do them and, if I'm upset, I can pull the play. But the only two directors I've worked with are pretty great." - Tony KushnerTweet
"I think movies are a director's medium in the end. Theater is the actor's medium. Theater is fast, and enjoyable, and truly rewarding. I believe in great live performance." - Sam MendesTweet
"There's an absolute prejudice that good movies are dramas and comedies are more dismissable. But I couldn't disagree more." - Joseph Gordon-LevittTweet
"Even though I make those movies, I find myself wishing that more of those magic moments could happen in real life." - Jane SeymourTweet
"The trouble with movies as a business is that it's an art, and the trouble with movies as art is that it's a business." - Charlton HestonTweet
"The only reason why I would like to be accepted? Because if your movies don't do well, after a while you don't get to make any more movies." - Joaquin PhoenixTweet
"Other filmmakers make their movies and put them out and that's that. For me, for some odd reason, it goes deeper than that." - Kevin SmithTweet
"I like to play guitar, jam out, play the blues, go watch movies. I love movies." - Dane CookTweet
"I will make action movies, I think, for a few more years, another five years." - Jackie ChanTweet
"I think a lot of people do big movies not because they are talented artists but because they can function in the circumstances." - Ang LeeTweet