
About Skissored

Introduction - What is it like being a Cosplayer?

Being a cosplayer is unlike anything else. Cosplayers like me are the kind of people that never grew out of Halloween. When other girls wanted to be a princess, I wanted to be a mummy or a zombie. For me, the convention experience is what makes cosplay unlike anything else. To become a character and to be recognized as that character makes all the hard work worth it. Having random people ask to take a picture of you/with you makes me feel a little like a celebrity, even if it's just for a day.

What are your next goals?

I am currently working on my biggest cosplay project yet. I mean that literally. I will be over 7 feet tall! Other than that I will be going to Vancouver Film School in May for film and TV makeup design! Very exciting time for my family and I right now.

Cosplay Characters

My favorite cosplays are the weird ones (I love Tim Burtons movies so this makes sense). My first cosplays were Love Hina and Merle from Escaflowne because they were relatively simple to make and being the shy girl I was in high school, they didn't draw too much attention. After I had my first son I went head first into harder cosplays. I jumped at the chance to dress him up of course (Baby Link, Baby Bowser, Baby Cloud, Jack Skellington, Jack Frost, Olaf, Tenth Doctor) but as for myself I've done Tim Burtons Catwoman, Pixel Mario, Edward Scissorhands, Jack Skellington, and Princess Ariel.

What does Cosplay mean to you?

Cosplay is artistic expression, fun, joy, appreciation of others, a community, a learning experience and just plain excitement, The days leading up to a convention is like looking forward to Christmas as a kid and it happens multiple times a year.

Who have been your biggest influences/role models/mentors?

My husband, my mum and my sister. Always encouraging me to keep going if I feel discouraged. Always the ones I go to when I need to rant about life stresses and always there when I need that extra boost of confidence.

Do you have any advice or suggestions for upcoming Cosplayers?

Surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you, people that encourage you to keep going and don't ever put you down or make you feel less than amazing. Don't feed into other people's drama because it can take the fun out of everything, and cosplay is meant to be fun. Have a positive attitude, confidence and that will shine through in your cosplay. A good corset is always a great investment for the curvy ladies out there. I try to make my cosplays around wearing one so it can help give a flattering silhouette and amp up the confidence!

What is the most negative experience you've dealt with while cosplaying, and how did you handle it?

This is tough, because I believe in staying away from negative situations in the first place so I can hardly recall cosplay itself being negative. One occasion was at a convention, some cosplayers got in a fight throwing punches and almost knocked into my son. Cosplayers that have little respect for the convention or other con-goers always gets on my nerves. Also people that don't watch out for kids or strollers, and people that stop an entire hallway of traffic just to take pictures. Cosplay etiquette 101, it's not hard to move a few steps out of the way.

Any final remarks or shout-outs?

To all the teens out there that think they aren't pretty enough, thin enough or good enough. Look in that mirror every day and tell yourself you're beautiful. Say it and even if you have to fake it at first, eventually you'll feel it. I was tired of feeling not good enough, tired of thinking I wasn't pretty enough to fit in. That was my turning point. Fake it 'till you make it. And you definitely will make it <3